mailcow community
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Issue solved!
Domain Alias
Problem, I need logs
Add custom fields to database and web admin mailcow
mailcow behind haproxy frontend out of the box
Mailcow Speicherplatz probleme
Zertifikate im Backup nicht enthalten?
mail auf Ubuntu richtige Firewall Einstellungen
Cannot login via IMAPS/SMTPS
Is it mandatory to have port 25 open or any other alternatives setup for mailcow
I am getting error from google postmaster (Unique Local Adress problem?)
Confirmed A record with IP x.x.x.x, but HTTP validation failed
Does mailcow / SoGo support Journals and Notes?
Sogo - Auto Add recipients when sending mails
SSL certificates for two different domains
Relay Host - destinatary receives the relay user as recipient
Mailcow autodiscover thunderbird
GAL Adress book
Mailcow apps
Unable to query mx record for single domain (WARNING: recursion requested)
Mailcow seems to be blocking incoming port 25 from external network
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