mailcow community
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Mailcow Speicherplatz probleme
Zertifikate im Backup nicht enthalten?
mail auf Ubuntu richtige Firewall Einstellungen
MAILCOW target is in position 2 in the ip forward table
Cannot login via IMAPS/SMTPS
Is it mandatory to have port 25 open or any other alternatives setup for mailcow
I am getting error from google postmaster (Unique Local Adress problem?)
Confirmed A record with IP x.x.x.x, but HTTP validation failed
Does mailcow / SoGo support Journals and Notes?
Sogo - Auto Add recipients when sending mails
SSL certificates for two different domains
Relay Host - destinatary receives the relay user as recipient
Mailcow autodiscover thunderbird
GAL Adress book
Mailcow apps
Unable to query mx record for single domain (WARNING: recursion requested)
Mailcow seems to be blocking incoming port 25 from external network
loops back to myself
Mail können nicht empfangen werden
Unbound health check and IPv6
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