mailcow community
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PHP (WebUI)-related? Then that one.
Feature Request: Improved Fail2Ban IP List Management
mailcow ban "real" ip (cloudflare)
Mailcow in Debian VM
Cannot access /admin route
Sogo Button gone from Admin
Illegal mix of collations
[Sync-Job] Set custom parameter correctly?
Cannot login as Admin
programmatically allow IPs and enable API KEY for editing?!
Setup Domain with Remote Mail Exchanger?
Why user has two logins? Mailcow UI and Sogo webmail client?
TLSA Behind Wireguard
WebUI erreichbar mit zweiter Domain, MX Einträge
SESSION_LIFETIME has no effect? Logout out of Mailcow in under 3 hours.
Roundcube and Enigma Plugin
mailcow behind haproxy frontend out of the box
Web interface not reachable
Mailcow on Dedicated Host
What does this mean "relay this domain"
Add a "forgot password" feature for domain administrators
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