How do I go about resetting my admin account password or creating a new admin account?

- Jul 28, 2022
- Joined May 2, 2022
- 3 discussions
- 7 posts
- 0 best answers
- Post posted... wait what? You got the answer!
Thank you everyone, this has been resolved!
Hi there, I’m wanting to redirect emails from one email to another (E.g. to Both emails are hosted on the same server & I’m basically just wanting to have all emails go to one email from multiple. I didn’t consider aliases as I need SMTP/IMAP on certain addresses.
Ah I see, any tips on preventing DDoS attacks? Currently using Hetzner Cloud & as you may know, their DDoS protection isn’t entirely the best, however, it works for basic attacks.
pkernstock Would I be able to proxy the Web UI only & leave the other records unproxied? Or, possibly change the SMTP/POP3/IMAP ports to something CF allows?
Hey there! I’ve just completed the MailCow installation, however, I’m wondering if it’s possible to hide the server’s IPv4 & IPv6 address to prevent attacks and such things with Cloudflare or anything similar.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Jean F.