Hey there! I’ve just completed the MailCow installation, however, I’m wondering if it’s possible to hide the server’s IPv4 & IPv6 address to prevent attacks and such things with Cloudflare or anything similar.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Jean F.

  • To my knowledge it’s only possible with Cloudflares’ Enterprise plan, which starts at about 5000 per month (from what I’ve read like 3 years ago). With all other plans, you need to disable the proxy as it doesn’t passthrough SMTP/POP3/IMAP, needed for a mailserver, or mailcow in this case.

To my knowledge it’s only possible with Cloudflares’ Enterprise plan, which starts at about 5000 per month (from what I’ve read like 3 years ago). With all other plans, you need to disable the proxy as it doesn’t passthrough SMTP/POP3/IMAP, needed for a mailserver, or mailcow in this case.

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    pkernstock Would I be able to proxy the Web UI only & leave the other records unproxied? Or, possibly change the SMTP/POP3/IMAP ports to something CF allows?

    tl;dr: No.

    You can only change this on a subdomain basis, so either mail.domain.tld goes through Cloudflare or not. So not, you can’t set that for specific ports. Also Cloudflare does, to my knowledge, not allow non-HTTP-traffic to bypass.

    If you change the SMTP port to something else, nobody is able to send you emails as TCP/25 is always being used by othe rmailservers.

    Ah I see, any tips on preventing DDoS attacks? Currently using Hetzner Cloud & as you may know, their DDoS protection isn’t entirely the best, however, it works for basic attacks.

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