Does anybody know how to manage IMAP subscription of mailboxes within Sogo? This feature should be there, but I cannot find it! 🤔

Preferences - Mail, then tab “IMAP accounts” on the right you click on “NEW MAIL ACCOUNT”.

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Thank you! My question is not about a new IMAP account, but about IMAP folder subscriptions.

If you share mailbox folders within SOGo, you should see them also with IMAP.

Every IMAP MUA has a function to switch IMAP folder subscriptions on and off. With Roundcube, for example, it is a checkbox in the settings for all folders to which a user has access rights. With the checkbox, the user can subscribe or unsubscribe to the folder, which results in the folder being visible or not.

  • nso replied to this.

    kingfisher in sogo the “subscribe” appear only when something is shared

    Thank you guys for your efforts :-) I will try to understand the way Sogo works. Currently I can’t get my head around why groupware shouldn’t allow me to select the mailboxes I want to see.

    And I don’t see the option “S’abonner” or subscribe in this menu. I am on Mailcow nightly because we are testing SSO.

      kingfisher I can’t get my head around why groupware shouldn’t allow me to select the mailboxes I want to see.

      Now you are talking about mailboxes again, before it was folders? I am confused.

      • nso likes this.

      to be clear, in sogo all your folder should appear by default
      the subscribe option only appear when an other user shared a folder
      have you modified acl ?


        Yes we use extra.conf to conduct public folder and global acl to maintain permissions.

        # Excerpt extra.conf
        plugin {
          # Global ACL
          acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-acl-global.conf
        namespace {
          type = public
          separator = /
          list = yes
          prefix = Admin/
          location = maildir:/var/vmail/public/%d/admin:LAYOUT=fs:INDEXPVT=~/public/%d/admin
          subscriptions = yes
          hidden = no
          list = children
          mailbox "admin" {
            auto = subscribe
        # Excerpt dovecot-acl-global.conf
        Admin/* lrwstipekxa
        Admin/* lrwstipekxa

        [unknown] This works as the public folder appears only if user is having permissions.

        This works as the public folder appears only if user is having permissions.

        • nso replied to this.

          nso Thank you, I know this page - something special in it which I have overseen?

          Please be clear with your issue:

          • you shared a folder and cannot access it from the other account ?
          • you want to access another mailbox from sogo panel ?

          Yes, I understand now. That’s a bit of a shame. We don’t need the groupware function. My hope was that we could still use Sogo as MUA because it is nicely integrated into Mailcow. Especially with the SSO feature which we test currently.

          • nso replied to this.

            nso We worked on it extensively, but whenever things got interesting, there was no way to adjust it :-)

            [unknown] Thank you, saw this also month ago. Will dive into it.

            Thank you, saw this also month ago. Will dive into it.

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