XD sorry my German isn’t that good yet what does this mean Das müsste man jetzt halt auch noch mal ins postfix.sh einbauen… and I do understand the rest of the process just can’t figure out that part

KaiserN the change is still sitting in nightly not in stable branch?
would have thought they publish the change with the (moo)october update.

where the update probably still has a few problems, will wait

So this meant to be fixed I was like I messed up something in my configs any idea how long the fix will take

That means that somehow this workaround should be implemented properly into the postfix.sh script… but afaik that didn’t happen yet

@DocFraggle Oh tyvm that config works like a charm
and I was wondering if this is normal for the public mirror

Also it looks like the .map file gets regenerated on reboot is there a way to prevent that?

    poqdavid there seems to be seomething wrong, it should look like this:

    Did you replace the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with your DQS key?

      DocFraggle Oh yes it looks like that for the Data Query Service Test with the key but it’s all red for Public Mirrors Test
      and I am not sure if that’s normal or not

      2 months later

      I have the same issue as poqdavid. I think there is a misunterstading cause there a two Test you can run. One is named “Data Query Service Test” and the other “Public Mirrors Test”.

      With the manual changes which DocFraggle mentions the “Data Query Service Test” indeed flips to green. But the result of the “Public Mirrors Test” does not change. I think here is another postfix config needed.

      I think i found a soultion.

      i added this block to my extra.cf:

      reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org=127.0.0.[2..11],
      reject_rhsbl_sender dbl.spamhaus.org=127.0.1.[2..99],
      reject_rhsbl_helo dbl.spamhaus.org=127.0.1.[2..99],
      reject_rhsbl_reverse_client dbl.spamhaus.org=127.0.1.[2..99],
      warn_if_reject reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org=127.255.255.[1..255],

      So my full extra.cf looks like this:

      myhostname = myhostname
      smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_mx_access proxy:mysql:/opt/postfix/conf/sql/mysql_mbr_access_maps.cf,
        check_recipient_access proxy:mysql:/opt/postfix/conf/sql/mysql_tls_enforce_in_policy.cf,
        reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org=127.0.0.[2..11],
        reject_rhsbl_sender dbl.spamhaus.org=127.0.1.[2..99],
        reject_rhsbl_helo dbl.spamhaus.org=127.0.1.[2..99],
        reject_rhsbl_reverse_client dbl.spamhaus.org=127.0.1.[2..99],
        warn_if_reject reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org=127.255.255.[1..255],
        reject_rhsbl_sender         XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99],
        reject_rhsbl_helo           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99],
        reject_rhsbl_reverse_client XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99],
        reject_rhsbl_sender         XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24],
        reject_rhsbl_helo           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24],
        reject_rhsbl_reverse_client XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24],
        reject_rbl_client           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.zen.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]
      rbl_reply_maps = hash:/opt/postfix/conf/dnsbl-reply-map

      @[deleted] Hope it helps
      @[deleted] is this okay or this the “wrong” approach and should be configured somewhere else?

      2 months later

      is this still a thing?

      im on version 2023-11a, il added my dqs key (mailcow.conf) and run the test

      xxx.sbl.dq.spamhaus.net sbl.spamhaus.org
      xxx.xbl.dq.spamhaus.net xbl.spamhaus.org
      xxx.pbl.dq.spamhaus.net pbl.spamhaus.org
      xxx.zen.dq.spamhaus.net zen.spamhaus.org
      xxx.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net dbl.spamhaus.org
      xxx.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net zrd.spamhaus.org

      did i missed/forgot something?

      yes, hmm still necessary i guess? :/

      so simply copy/paste this part (add personal key instead of xxx) in extra.cf and restart

      okay, this fixed it. the dnsbl reply map file name changed to dnsbl_reply.map
      if someone also wants to adjust the current version, please pay attention. you can also see the logs (error) if you check them 😉

      @[deleted] danke dir! ❤️

      btw. is the bug known to the mailcow team (must confess, I haven’t searched the bugtracker)

      log was showing

      error: open database /opt/postfix/conf/dnsbl_reply.map.db: No such file or directory

      postmap /opt/postfix/conf/dnsbl_reply.map (in Container)

      need to run afterwards to create the db

        4 days later

        looks like since postfix restarted by itself the following showed up in the log file, just a warning so no problem.

        warning: database /opt/postfix/conf/dnsbl_reply.map.db is older than source file /opt/postfix/conf/dnsbl_reply.map

        did u fixed it somehow? or just ignore and hope it will be fixed if mailcow fixed the spamhaus setup routine?

          KaiserN did u fixed it somehow?

          No, I didn’t even notice that yet 😃
          I’m confused, it seems I myself added the dnsbl_reply file to Mailcow with this Commit 😕

          So the only thing missing is creating the postmap file while/after deploying the container

          ohh shiiiiit. il fucked up the file name in postmap guess… il added the .map to the end somehow

          recreated, now i got


            I added the .map file extension in my workaround above before I created the PR, so I guess you copied it from there 😄

            KaiserN OK, there is a slight misunderstanding concerning the files 😃

            the dns_reply.map file is created while starting the Postfix container:


            It just contains the “normal” DQS config, which leads to not all tests being green.

            In my workaround, I created an extra file named “dnsbl-reply-map ” (should use another name…) which contains the extra config:

            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.sbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]      $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using sbl.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]      $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using xbl.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]      $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using pbl.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.sbl-xbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]  $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.zen.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]      $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99]       $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using dbl.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}
            XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24]      $rbl_code Service unavailable; $rbl_class [$rbl_what] blocked using zrd.spamhaus.org${rbl_reason?; $rbl_reason}

            This file has to be hashed with the posthash command before starting postfix AND it has to be referenced in the config via

            rbl_reply_maps = hash:/opt/postfix/conf/dnsbl-reply-map

            I just don’t have the time currently to implement it properly

            6 months later

            The solution is: add the DQOS key to mailcow.conf, then create an extra.cf under /data/conf/postfix and add the following content there:
            smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
            reject_rhsbl_sender xxxxxxx.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99],
            reject_rhsbl_helo xxxxxxx.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99],
            reject_rhsbl_reverse_client xxxxxxx.dbl.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.1.[2..99],
            reject_rhsbl_sender xxxxxxx.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24],
            reject_rhsbl_helo xxxxxxx.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24],
            reject_rhsbl_reverse_client xxxxxxx.zrd.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.2.[2..24],
            reject_rbl_client xxxxxxx.zen.dq.spamhaus.net=127.0.0.[2..255]

            Sorry for my bad English 😃

            4 months later

            Do we have an official solution to this problem?
            Are there any plans?
            I find it strange that you have to add something to /extra.conf which does not contain the same names as those shown in the image.
            Do you have any solutions?

            No one is typing