Do we have an official solution to this problem?
Are there any plans?
I find it strange that you have to add something to /extra.conf which does not contain the same names as those shown in the image.
Do you have any solutions?

- 5 Jan
- Joined Feb 13, 2024
- 3 discussions
- 6 posts
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- Post posted... wait what?
DocFraggle Thanks … i’m stupid xD
Hello everyone,
I have a problem with vmail-index-vol-1 when I try to change its volume location.
I’ve specified a specific location for all the volumes and so far no problem, except for vmail-index-vol-1 which returns the following error:Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume ‘/var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcowdockerized_vmail-index-vol-1/data’: failed to mount local volume: mount /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/vmail-index:/var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcowdockerized_vmail-index-vol-1/data
Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?
Here’s my docker compose override php-fpm-mailcow: labels: ofelia.enabled: "true" ofelia.job-exec.roundcube_cleandb.schedule: "@every 168h" ofelia.job-exec.roundcube_cleandb.user: "www-data" ofelia.job-exec.roundcube_cleandb.command: "/bin/bash -c \"[ -f /web/rc/bin/ ] && /web/rc/bin/\"" volumes: vmail-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/vmail o: bind vmail-index-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/vmail-index o: bin mysql-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/mysql o: bind mysql-socket-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/mysql-socket o: bind redis-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/redis o: bind rspamd-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/rspamd o: bind solr-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/solr o: bind postfix-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/postfix o: bind crypt-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/crypt o: bind sogo-web-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/sogo-web o: bind sogo-userdata-backup-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/sogo-userdata-backup o: bind clamd-db-vol-1: driver_opts: type: none device: /main/containers/mailcow-dockerized/volumes/clamd-db o: bind
- Edited
I’m currently stuck with mailcow and nginx proxy manager.
I have configured mailcow correctly step by step.
Here is what I have to configure:
I have my docker which contains nginx proxy manager and has the following configuration:version: '3.8' services: app: image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' container_name: nginx restart: unless-stopped ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' - '443:443' environment: DB_SQLITE_FILE: "/data/database.sqlite" DISABLE_IPV6: 'true' volumes: - /main/containers/nginx-proxy-manager/data:/data - /main/containers/certbot/certificates/:/etc/letsencrypt - /main/www/html/:/www/html networks: default: external: true name: reverse-proxy-hosts
Then I have my mailcow configured with the following information:
when I do in my server a Curl -L I get the result of the mailcow web page but when I set this value in Nginx Proxy Manager I got : 502 Bad Gatewayesackbauer
i don’t know if it’s what you ask but i put this value on my DNS zone 0 CNAME 0 CNAME, you need to know, i use reverse proxy.
Mailcow instance is install in parallel with a apache2 server who i host a lot of clients website.
I have configured the reverse proxy as explained on the documentation.- Edited
Hello all,
I have some problem and i hope someone can help me with thisI have actually followed the “ ” section to be able to add an additional domain to my configuration such as: smtp.* and imap.*
also, my MAILCOW_HOSTNAME is : mail.domain1.comMy objectif is to be able to configure mailboxes with a dedicated address :
- as imap server
- as smtp server
To test this in Thunderbird, I’m trying to manually add the following information:
- my e-mail address:
- the smtp server:
- the imap server:
Result : Thunderbird can’t find my mail account parameter
However, I have a second domain in my mailcow.
So I try the same procedure:- my e-mail address:
- the smtp server:
- the imap server:
Result : Thunderbird can find my mail account parameter and accept to connect.
Why the same smtp and imap server values work with domain2 but not with domain1?
The second problem I have is Thunderbird’s auto-detection of mail parameters.
When I connect with my address, Thunderbird automatically detects the imap and smtp server information, but it gives as the smtp and imap server and not and this normal?
And a another problem is, when I connect my address to Thunderbird, tunderbird suggests the smtp and imap server information:
why doesn’t it use as the server name?
Somebody can help me ?