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  • esackbauer Using SoGo

    So if we send an email to multiple people, then go to my sent items I am unable to reply all to everyone the email was sent to.

  • This doesn’t happen all the time but occasionally the reply all button will be missing and I am unable to reply to everyone on an email. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

  • So we are trying to utilize SOGo as a web platform for mail for our employees. The only issue I am running into is the filters. We provide delegated access to some of our production email accounts to employees and the problem I am facing is that when an employee sends an email on behalf of a delegated account, we need those emails to go to the sent items folder under the delegated account in which the email was sent from. Currently the problem is if I create a rule that says “From:delegatedAccount@email” -> move to “delegatedAccount.Sent” folder, then if someone else sends an email on behalf of the delegated account and includes me on said email, then my filter will automatically move it to the sent folder for the delegated email account and I will neveer receive the email. With other mail clients that arent web based, they usually offer an option to only apply the rule upon sending an email, but with SOGo, I do not have that option.

    Does anyone know of a way that I can accomplish this with SOGo or how can I accomplish this with setting up sieve rules/scripts to get this to work how I want?

  • Whenever I send an email using a delegated email account in SOGo, the emails go to my mailbox’s sent items folder and not the sent items folder for the delegated account that I am using.