Probably a newbie question, but is there any default IP ban policy for mailcow to automatically ban IP Addresses? Which service is responsible for it?
Default IP Ban settings
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Here are my settings.
I also maintain a iptables list for additional banning.
Fail2ban parameters
Ban time (s):
Max. ban time (s):
Ban time is incremented with each ban
Max. attempts:
Retry window (s) for max. attempts:
IPv4 subnet size to apply ban on (8-32):
IPv6 subnet size to apply ban on (8-128):
- Edited
This was very helpful. Thanks. Is there any way I can remove IP Banning for a certain amount of time from my mailcow Instance? I am testing some connections and I believe it is banning my Office IP Address.
ETNyx Also, is there any active discord community or any other platform which is more convenient where I can get faster responses? Although you were very fast in the reply. Thanks for that…
- Best Answerset by abdullah_mudassar
About removing IP for certain time, docs have screen of netfilter settings, there is whitelist textarea, this should work.
About platform, I do not know, but i think not. Using forum as this keep history and one can search what others solved, chats usually don’t.
ETNyx Thanks for the Update. I appreciate it. This platform is fast enough I guess. For the first reply i thought i got lucky, but this was fast. thanks