What is happening?
Try to restart the stack
docker compose down
docker compose up -d
If that doesn’t help check the logs just as the page is telling you to
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- Best Answerset by esackbauer
The main error you experienced earlier was related to the database connection. Specifically:
Database Connection Error: The mailcow web interface couldn’t connect to the MariaDB database. This is a critical error because mailcow relies heavily on its database for storing configuration and user data.
Root Cause: The issue was likely caused by an inconsistency between the database credentials stored in the mailcow configuration and the actual credentials in the MariaDB container.
Resolution Steps:
a. We accessed the MariaDB container using Docker:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf name=mysql-mailcow) mysql -uroot -p
b. We checked for the existence of the mailcow database and user.
c. We reset the password for the mailcow database user to match the one in the mailcow configuration:
ALTER USER ‘mailcow’@‘%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘your_password_here’;
d. We flushed privileges to ensure the changes took effect:
Impact: This database connection issue was preventing the web interface from functioning correctly. It’s a critical component because without database access, mailcow can’t retrieve or store necessary information.
Importance: This underscores the importance of maintaining consistency between your configuration files and your actual database setup. It’s a common issue in complex systems like mailcow where multiple components need to work together seamlessly.
By resolving this database connection issue, we ensured that the mailcow application could properly communicate with its database, which is essential for the web interface to function correctly. This was the critical step that allowed you to then access the web interface successfully through your browser.
After some trying out, managed to find out the cause of it, there was inconsistency in the database, now I can access it with SSL normally.