I am sorry to come and probably ask for a stupid point. I am not particulary stupid but I guess I lack some basis.

I’ve installed mailcow-dockerized for a test in 3 different machines and I end each time with the same thing.

After doing the same thing for example like here “youtube.com Icon - YouTube

I have the message in sogo “Aucune Boîte sélectionnée” or translated in english “No mailbox selected”.

I have:

  • done git clone for the last version,
  • use docker 26 and 27 (depending on the computers)
  • configured the mailcow.conf with
    changed the admin passwor
    created a dmoain blabla.local and restarted
    created one mail address
    then launched sogo.
    With sogo I can log with the mail user parameter, can see the calendar can add some personnel addresses, but the mail icon only shows me “No mailbox selected”.

At the moment I can see videos and doing the same steps, I think I missed a stupid little thing somewhere.

I’ve spend a lot of time since the last days on this subject, I am tired and asking for some help. Thanks in advance.

And I want to add I have this message from sogo

Sep  5 08:56:44 c0dcc9496261 base=(null)
Sep  5 08:56:44 c0dcc9496261 base-class=(null))
Sep  5 08:56:44 c0dcc9496261 = <0x0x557c0624ae60[NGImap4Client]: login=renaud@atlog.local(pwd) address=<0x0x557c0633b500[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host= port=143>>
Sep  5 08:56:44 c0dcc9496261 sogod [66]: [ERROR] <0x557c06373700[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect `IMAP4`
  • DocFraggle replied to this.
  • Well, “connection refused” sounds more like a firewall issue… did you have a look at your firewall logs?

    Please also have a look here and especially at the red warning box

    Watching a Youtube video which was created 4 years ago isn’t the best idea… I saw that he’s using sudo to control the stack, docs.mailcow.email Icon while the official documentation clearly states


    Please clone the repository as root user and also control the stack as root. We will modify attributes - if necessary - while bootstrapping the containers automatically and make sure everything is secured. The update.sh script must therefore also be run as root.

    Next, you should have a look at docs.mailcow.email Icon your docker compose setup


    mailcow requires the latest version of docker compose v2.

    And finally, why exaclty did you change these parameters?

    renaud HTTP_PORT=30080

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      1 - The link for the youtube is random one picked up, more or lesse I’ve use the same way with a fresh docker and docker compose.
      2 - Changed the parameters because the machine is already using some ports for other containers.

      I’ve just done inside the sogo container a test to connect it to dovecot

       nc -zv 143
      mailcowdockerized-dovecot-mailcow-1.mailcowdockerized_mailcow-network [] 143 (?) : Connection refused

      So it seems to me sogo cannot connect dovecot…

      DocFraggle Ha yes, you were right… I am currently in China and behind the Great Numeric Wall… I use tailscale as a VPN, if it is not installed, I connot do even a git clone…
      On a distant computer located in the European Cloud, it was just an affair of 15 minutes. Thanks a lot for your help!

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