geek678 how to prevent an account from sending emails while allow it to receive? also how to prevent an account from receiving emails while allow it to send?
geek678 what if I check only “SMTP” in “Allowed protocols” for send-only? and only “IMAP” for receive-only?
esackbauer The user would still be able to use SOGo Webmail. I guess this would be special function mailboxes? Better way would be to create a mailbox where an admin has full rights, and delegate the appropriate rights to another user via SOGo
geek678 yes this type of accounts is used only by scripts not webmails or mail clients, for example to auto-send confirmation codes (send-only) or to read csv files (receive-only) so protect the account from send or receive by any webmail/script/mailclient
esackbauer geek678 Why so complicated then? For sending mails let the scripts use port 25 directly without credentials and use as sender address something nonexistant like “”