How do I get a list of mailboxes across the entire server, domain, or with a filter?

Preferably with details - for example, quota, occupied space, aliases and others that are stored with the mailbox

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    is it possible to make it readable, for example, tabular?

    is it possible to make a selection of only the specified parameters, for example: mailbox, full name, quota, current mailbox size?

    Yes, just write a little script to generate the file you need.
    Or browse the json manually with something like jless.
    After all, it’s an API, an Application Programming Interface.

      a month later


      I found several ways to snag addresses.

      In general, you can only upload a list of all server addresses - through the api, you can specify the values of all or a specific mailbox in getmailboxes.

      Then excel, python or online services come to the rescue that can make a list of email addresses from an array.

      Tell me how to make a restriction on the list of those who can write to the mailbox or alias?

      4 days later

      copy paste from admin webUI to excel …

      You can also use this command from inside your dovecot container:

      doveadm mailbox status -A -t vsize '*'


      doveadm quota get -A | grep STORAGE

      10 days later
      • Bbjoern

          Moolevel 0

        Hi all,
        I’ve put my coins together in a bash script. Didn’t want to come into this again :-)


        • csvkit ( apt install csvkit curl)
        • curl
        • conf: .env.moo file:
          export XAPIKey=xxx-yyy-zzz
        • api key from Admin-Web-UI (Read-only is OK)

         #!/usr/bin/env bash
        # Liest Domains, Postfächer und Aliases vom Server aus. 
        # in der .env.moo Datei liegen die Zugangsdaten und Servernamen
        # Benötigte tools:
        #  - jq # nicht zwingend hierfür aber generell super
        #  - csvkit # für csvformat und in2csv
        #  - curl # als WEB Tool für den API call
        # Benötigte Conf:
        #  - API Key vom mailcow- WebUI als admin
        # curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-API-Key: $XAPIKey" https://${cowserver}/api/v1/get/alias/all
        # ### nicht so schön für CSV: ### jq -r '(.[0] | keys_unsorted) as $keys | $keys, map([.[ $keys[] ]])[] | @csv'
        # in2csv DMPJSONCVY | csvformat -D \; -U0
        # # BEISPIEL .env.moo File:
        # export XAPIKey=xxx-yyy-zzz
        # export
        source $ENVFILE
        DOMAINSTEMP=$(mktemp -p . -t DMPJSONXXX)
        BOXESTEMP=$(mktemp -p . -t DMPJSONXXX)
        ALIASESTEMP=$(mktemp -p . -t DMPJSONXXX)
        ALIASDOMAINSTEMP=$(mktemp -p . -t DMPJSONXXX)
        curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-API-Key: $XAPIKey" https://${cowserver}/api/v1/get/domain/all > $DOMAINSTEMP
        curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-API-Key: $XAPIKey" https://${cowserver}/api/v1/get/mailbox/all > $BOXESTEMP
        curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-API-Key: $XAPIKey" https://${cowserver}/api/v1/get/alias/all > $ALIASESTEMP
        curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-API-Key: $XAPIKey" https://${cowserver}/api/v1/get/alias-domain/all > $ALIASDOMAINSTEMP
        in2csv --format=json $DOMAINSTEMP | csvformat -D \; -U0 > $DOMAINSFILE
        in2csv --format=json $BOXESTEMP | csvformat -D \; -U0 > $BOXESFILE
        in2csv --format=json $ALIASESTEMP | csvformat -D \; -U0 > $ALIASESFILE
        in2csv --format=json $ALIASDOMAINSTEMP | csvformat -D \; -U0 > $ALIASDOMAINSFILE



          Do you have a way to make a restriction so that only addresses from the list of addresses and/or domains can be written to certain addresses or aliases?

          No one is typing