After switching to Cloudflare and making the webmail website to a subdomain (webmail.XXXXXXX.XXX), SOGo redirects to PORTNUMBER/SOGo/so/ instead of https://webmail.XXXXXX.XXX/SOGo after logging in. I have checked mailcow.conf but I didn’t see anywhere where you can set the SOGo redirect. I can manually change the to webmail.XXXXXX.XXX and it works.

  • chocolateimage likes this.
  • epikur-io I got it working by doing proxy_set_header Host $host then it worked. (I did set header to the response instead of to the proxy request as a mistake)

(manually change to webmail.XXXX in the url bar)

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5 months later
3 months later

Hi. I also encountered this problem with the SOGo login (master branch at 36b5cccd186090d726de62b6b00d1e842e67aacd).
I run the dockerized setup and caddy as a reverse proxy and updated the mailcow config accordingly.


When I try to log in to SOGo it redirects to the localhost and the internal TCP port[mail-user]/Mail

I tried to add a port mapping to the SOGo container and route incoming traffic directly from caddy to the SOGO container, without success.

Kind regards

Just an update from my side. I finally got it working. The problem could be resolved by modifying the caddy config.
Essentially just don’t pass the “Host” header to the upstream like header_up Host {upstream_hostport} and it’ll work. I think it’s related to this issue: mailcow/mailcow-dockerized5411

    2 months later

    epikur-io I got it working by doing proxy_set_header Host $host then it worked. (I did set header to the response instead of to the proxy request as a mistake)

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