I’m currently planning my initial mailcow-dockerized deployment. I just cloned the mailcow-dockerized project, I haven’t done anything else with it yet. I see that docker-compose.yml has version: '2.1'
at the top, which seems to be an old version.
Background: I have another docker compose stack, running nginx 1.25.1 as a reverse proxy. I was planning on setting up this nginx service to serve the mailcow web interfaces, per the Reverse Proxy documentation. I would think I need to have the mailcow network be on the same one as my existing docker compose stack. I was thinking of doing something similar to
this Stack Overflow post.
However, this requires compose file version 3.5 (my existing docker compose file is at 3.8). I’m not well-versed in the compose file versions, so I don’t know if the mailcow docker-compose.yml has anything deprecated that wouldn’t work if I changed the version to 3.8 (to match my other compose stack).
My question is, if I changed the mailcow version to 3.8, would it break anything?