This port 8080 is good but 4443 the certificat ssl is not existant
- Jan 18, 2023
- Joined Dec 21, 2021
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- In Change port
- In Change port
Hello, I’m trying to change port 80 and 443 in the mailcow.conf configuration but it doesn’t work, I have errors and I have opened the ports on my firewall, has anyone done this yet?
thank you for help.
changing the parameters and setting them to default generated a good ssl certificate, thanks for your helpmy ports are open internally and externally, I can access them with the local ip address of the machine and with my domain name from outside
my certificat ssl has verified by mailcow, i’ts strange, i have force a renewal but it doesn’t work
do you have the same problem?pkernstock I have the same problem ssl certificate signed by mailcow
excuse me i don’t understand how to generate a ssl certificate without mailcow being the certificate authority
Hi, I prefer debian, you can try, I had no problem
hi, did you try install mailcow on debian?
by default the certificate is verified by mailcow?
- Edited
Hi, i have a question on usage certificat ssl on server mailcow, my server has a warning on certificat because this is verified by mailcow. I can have it verified by let’s encrypt?
Thank you for your help.