- Edited
- Best Answerset by drhm
In the meantime I’ve successfully updated my server with the following steps:
Stopping the service:
sudo docker-compose down
Get updates/changes
git fetch origin master
Add all changed files to local clone
sudo git add -A
Commit changes, ignore git complaining about username and mail address
sudo git commit -m "Local config at $(date)"
Merge changes, prefer mailcow repository, replace “theirs” by “ours” to change merge strategy
sudo git merge -Xtheirs -Xpatience
If it conflicts with files that were deleted from the mailcow repository, just run…
sudo git status --porcelain | grep -E "UD|DU" | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs rm -v
Add all changed files to local clone
sudo git add -A
Commit changes, ignore git complaining about username and mail address
sudo git commit -m "Local config at $(date)"
Pull new images (if any) and recreate changed containers:
sudo docker-compose pull
Needed bug fixes:
a. Change entry of the smtp port from 587 to 25 (of mailman-core) and add a return after the last entry in the file:
emacs ~/docker/mailcow-mailman3-dockerized/data/mailman/core/mailman-extra.cfg
After the change the new lines are:#smtp_port: 587
smtp_port: 25b. Give the container rspamd-mailcow a static ip address. Otherwise the container may get the ip address of the container mailman-core. This is a conflict, which will avoid the start of mailman-core.:
emacs ~/docker/mailcow-mailman3-dockerized/docker-compose.yml
Add an entry “ipv2adress:” under “networks:”, “mailcow-network:” in the part for the container “rspamd-mailcow” (It maybe that also other containers must have a static ip!):
mailcow-network: pv4_address: ${IPV4_NETWORK:-172.19.199}.200 aliases:
First Start of the container
sudo docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans