
- Aug 17, 2022
- Joined Jan 11, 2022
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I updated to mailcow 2022-06 from 2022-05c or 2022-05b (dont remember) and had to disable selinux for connection to SQL to work again
host system is AlmaLinux release 8.6 (RHEL)
docker v20.10.17
docker compose v1.29.2all docker containers were up, just could not access sql or talk to each other. However, could access the containers EXTERNALLY, for example, imap server was still allowing external connections.
rspamd-mailcow_1 | Waiting for PHP on port 9001... dovecot-mailcow_1 | Waiting for database to come up... rspamd-mailcow_1 | Waiting for PHP on port 9001... sogo-mailcow_1 | Waiting for database to come up... postfix-mailcow_1 | Waiting for database to come up... php-fpm-mailcow_1 | Waiting for SQL... watchdog-mailcow_1 | Waiting for SQL... dovecot-mailcow_1 | Waiting for database to come up... sogo-mailcow_1 | Waiting for database to come up... postfix-mailcow_1 | Waiting for database to come up...
Three questions:
- Any way to create a whitelist/ignore list for netflilter, lkike in fail2ban?
fail2ban-client set jail_name addignoreip
When a client gets banned, any docker-compose command I can use to remove them before the 30 minute timer expires?
How does the ban work? I could not see the blocked IP blocked in iptables? It blocked ALL access to the machine, not just mailcow ports
Thanks for an amazing product!
So, the following filter works as a prefilter or postfilter
require ["fileinto", "regex", "variables", "editheader"]; set "origto" "unknown"; if header :regex "X-Spamd-Result" "PREVIOUSLY_DELIVERED\\([^)]*\\)\\[([^]]*)" { set "origto" "${1}"; } addheader "X-Sieve-OrigTo" "${origto}";
After this, the variable origto will have the original TO email address which you can use to process other rules.
This is a HACK and also I do not know if I can truly depend on X-Spamd-Result.
I know this is old, however, I am here trying to find a solution.
I also had your settings in my past email server. I tried to do this:
my data is a subdirectory of /opt/mailcow-dockerized
myhostname = THIS_ALREADY_HAD_MY_HOSTNAME maildrop_destination_recipient_limit = 1
and adding the O flag to maildrop in data/conf/postfix/
maildrop unix - n n - - pipe flags=DROhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
Restarted postfix.
Header is NOT added.
My issue:
I have some very elaborate sieve filters that I used on my former host, my primary domain uses a catch all alias.
I give out my email as follows:
Where is my domain. Then I can setup sieve filters to FILE all email sent to When the email address gets too spammy, I discard. I also have some that compare the ORIGINAL_TO to the SENDING domain, for example, emails sent to will automatically discard emails sent FROM
It appears that rspamd does add the original_to in as PREVIOUSLY_DELIVERED inside the X-Spamd-Result header. However, I need to work on a sieve filter that extract this value (if possible). Also, I am not sure how reliable the field is.
Anybody figure this out? We must not be the only ones.