Hi fellow bovine enthusiasts. Given the timing, it may be safe to assume you are/were researching this “List-Unsubscribe” configuration to satiate new deliverability requirements from the “big 3”. Just wanted to add a few things:
- Gmail expects a “one-click” unsub; not the mailto: option you’re looking into. This is to facilitate straightforward/automated list removal for their users.
- Make sure you understand that, by adding a “List-Unsubscribe” header (regardless of configuration) you’re essentially signaling your intention to send bulk email. This may have unintended consequences–particularly if your “List-Unsubscribe” is misconfigured, inoperable, or otherwise fails to meet Goog’s expectations.
- Further to the above, what Goog does with the (possible fact) that you include “List-Unsubscribe” headers, yet _do not send bulk email (5,000/day ) is an exercise left to speculation and/or trial & error involving significant downside.
As for us, we plan to hold off on adding these headers to Postfix for now, as our server is strictly used for transactional email.