- Best Answerset by esackbauer
Hi, I found a commercial provider that can host my custom domain email for free, so I don’t need to set up mailcow. I was never able to resolve the unbound issue. Anyway, I’m all set. Thanks everybody!
Hi, I found a commercial provider that can host my custom domain email for free, so I don’t need to set up mailcow. I was never able to resolve the unbound issue. Anyway, I’m all set. Thanks everybody!
Thanks! My understanding is that Outlook won’t allow custom domain names.
I chose Mailcow because I setup the server with Cloudpanel, and they recommended it over other mail options. It was relatively straightforward to use and install except for unbound failing. I’m not sure how to allow to pass through the Cloudpanel firewall but those links posted give some ideas.
Hi, thanks everyone. yes, I am just setting up the ability for people to email me from the website with questions or corrections. I am not really using Mailcow as groupware as the students have school email and I am the only user on the self-hosted web server. So only one email address.
The logs show this:
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:06:34: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 1. Trying again…
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:06:46: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 2. Trying again…
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:06:58: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 3. Trying again…
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:06:58: Healthcheck: Couldn’t ping after 3 attempts. Marking this IP as failed.
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:07:10: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 1. Trying again…
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:07:22: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 2. Trying again…
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:07:34: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 3. Trying again…
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:07:34: Healthcheck: Couldn’t ping after 3 attempts. Marking this IP as failed.
unbound-mailcow-1 | 2024-09-09 22:07:46: Healthcheck: Failed to ping on attempt 1. Trying again…
I am unsure how to resolve this. I assume this is a problem with Cloudflare DNS?
Thanks everybody for your time and help.
Hi, I’m a History teacher setting up a mail server for a website for my WWII class; I don’t get much traffic any more, so self-hosting seems the best way to go. It’s been decades since I set up a mail server, and it seems more complicated these days. I installed Mailcow, but when I run “docker compose up -d” everything is working EXCEPT unbound.
I looked and looked on GitHub and this Community, and created the basic DNS records, and copied the SSL certificate over to the installation. I read about the DNS records to create for Mailcow and did that. Everything is green except Unbound. I tried the Cloudpanel/Cloudflare changes suggested here, and different tweaks suggested online. Some things get a little technical for me tho. I’m not sure where to find the Mailcow logs so I dunno what is failing.
Sorry I’m such a newbie. I’m just trying to get this set up before my school year starts…
Thanks so much.