
  • Oct 27, 2022
  • Joined Jun 9, 2022
  • 1 discussion
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  • Post posted... wait what? You got the answer!
  • Hindin-The-G f7ff93a499e51cc603145757c80a495d015c9640 [Update] Stop mailcow before update

    I used that one instead - that’s the one right before that update to docker-compose v2, I figured. Not sure if that is the issue on your end but that one fixed it for me. Could as well be some other issue on your side, too - so not sure.

  • Ok, not sure if that is the solution but it seems to have worked for me.

    Here’s what I did:

    • shut down the whole mailcow stack (docker-compose down)
    • I stepped back one git commit as explained in the docs
    • ran ./update.sh from there with v1 binary still in place (and v2 installed which doesn’t really conflict)
    • update.sh ran successfully telling me to run it again
    • I then set git back to the latest from master branch (git checkout master && git pull)
    • Then ran ./update.sh again and it ran through

    Looks like things are finally up and running now for me. Let me know how it goes for you @Hindin-The-G but be aware that I didn’t really know what I am doing so now guarantee that this is how it’s supposed to go.

  • accolon I missed the shutting down part but how do i update to the latest version with v1 when getting the error? Doesn’t matter if I have the v1 binary in place or not. The error stays the same.

    What I did (in error)

    • Installed Docker compose v2 via apt
    • removed the v1 binary
    • ran ./update.sh without errors (it updated itself and told me to rerun)
    • ran ./update.sh again and got the error
    • I put v1 binary back in place to make sure that’s not the issue - still got the error
    • now shut down the stack as you mentioned it (overlooked that one) and still am getting the same error.

    I wonder if there’s any way out this mess :-/ Sorry for not reading the docs correctly. Not my kind of style usually.

  • copart Actually I didn’t and got a respective error. So I put v1 back in place. Then it worked and updated itself and told me to run it again. I removed v1 binary again then and rerun it.

    • Hi,

      I’m still fairly green in terms of Mailcow so please bear with me if the answer is obvious.

      I just tried updating to the latest version which also includes switching from docker-compose v1 to v2. I did that and now update.sh reports some issues with colons in IP address. I opted for the Docker v6-Option if that matters.

      root@mail:/opt/mailcow-dockerized# ./update.sh
      checking docker compose version...
      Found Compose v2!
      Checking internet connection... OK
      Checking for newer update script...
      Updated 0 paths from 47a512ac
      Are you sure you want to update mailcow: dockerized? All containers will be stopped. [y/N] y
      Great! Native IPv6 NAT is active.
      Validating docker-compose stack configuration...
      1 error(s) decoding:
      * error decoding 'Ports': Invalid ip address :: address ::: too many colons in address
      Oh no, something went wrong. Please check the error message above.

      The only thing I found is some old discussion prior to docker-compose v2 being used where people said mailcown doesn’t yet work with v2 but it should now, right?

      Any help is appreciated.

      • copart replied to this.
        • Best Answerset by Helmi

        Ok, not sure if that is the solution but it seems to have worked for me.

        Here’s what I did:

        • shut down the whole mailcow stack (docker-compose down)
        • I stepped back one git commit as explained in the docs
        • ran ./update.sh from there with v1 binary still in place (and v2 installed which doesn’t really conflict)
        • update.sh ran successfully telling me to run it again
        • I then set git back to the latest from master branch (git checkout master && git pull)
        • Then ran ./update.sh again and it ran through

        Looks like things are finally up and running now for me. Let me know how it goes for you @Hindin-The-G but be aware that I didn’t really know what I am doing so now guarantee that this is how it’s supposed to go.