
  • Jun 13, 2022
  • Joined Jan 28, 2022
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  • heavygale

    Hi, I’m really sorry about the (super) late reaction, I just tried to do this but I just can’t figure it out. Is there maybe a video on how to install Mailcow using a reverse Nginx proxy?

    Thanks in advance.

  • A quick note: There are no errors on starting (using docker-compose pull and using docker-compose up -d all the messages say done in green behind them.

  • So, I have no clue what I’m doing and what I need to do honestly.

    The situation:
    I installed Mailcow by following the documentation and I set the HTTP_PORT=82 HTTP_BIND= (82 because I already have a Nginx webserver running.). The first issue: I don’t know if the HTTP_BIND is correct, I tried setting it to but then the whole website just didn’t work.
    The HTTPS_PORT=444 (again, I already got a Nginx webserver running) and the HTTPS_BIND= (same as with the HTTP_BIND).

    When I go the website, it kind of works. Except for the 82 website. When I go to ( is just the example here, I have setup a FQDN.) it gives the following error: sent an invalid response. with an error code of: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
    When I go to it kind of works, It brings me to the Mailcow login UI, but it isn’t a secure connection. When I check the certificate information, this is the message: This CA Root certificate is not trusted because it is not in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store..

    I have enabled IPv6, but I’m not sure if I did this correctly. What I did to set it up: nano /opt/mailcow-dockerized/docker-compose.override.yml and I changed the 2a00:dead:beef::abc to my IPv6 adress (I did keep the port, just changed them to 82 and 444)
    I also used enable_ipv6.

    Bottom line:
    The certificate is not creating (properly) or it just isn’t working. But the thing is, I can use all functions of Mailcow, for example: create mailboxes, and they do work, they just don’t get a certificate and I do need one. I also tried setting the acme-mailcow to version 1.80 but that didn’t help either.

    Could someone help me with this?

    Thanks in advance.
