mailcow community
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"Error: failed to start shim" after fresh install
Update problem
after move docker yml file can't change hostname
Mailcow Dockerized: Disk Cleanup
Which connection for an external disk to store the email data?
Mailcow is to stop working on its own!
Hezner ARM64 backup mailcow
Expose Docker container to network
External nginx reverse proxy with external ACME (certbot)
rspamd container stuck in restart loop after
Ligth Weight mailcow
Pre- and post-hooks for acme-mailcow, using external reverse proxy?
Why is the compose file at version 2.1?
only 1 sender allowed to address specific alias
Sieve fileter does not work
Requested image's platform (linux/amd64) not match the detected host platform
Mailcow Starup problem (nginx & postfix)
Mailcow error on startup
New to mailcow, just in planning and design phases
Email forwarding Stopped after VPS upgrade
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