Hello mailcow community,
I used forum search and “hetzner” resulted in a few hits with at least closely related issues but no solution yet.
I have a mailcow installation on a Hetzner cloud VM (Ubuntu) that is working fine since I finished setup roughly half a year ago.
However ACME/LE certifcate renewal is problematic. The reason is that the correct (out of two) IPv6 IPs is not detected (or I missed to configure it correctly).
Some basics about my setup:
1 VM that comes with:
- Primary IPv4, I will call that “ipv4prim” in the following
- Primary IPv6, I will call that “ipv6prim” in the following
- Floating IPv4, I will call that ipv4float in the following
- Floating IPv6, I will call that ipv6float in the following
The floating IPs are those that are supposed to be used for the mail services (as the primary ones are prone to change when I destroy and recreated the server).
DNS is setup correctly for “mail.example.com” (real name redacted). Most importantly forward and reverse DNS on “mail.example.com” are working for both ipv4float/ipv6float consistently.
The problem with ACME is visible in the following log output:
Tue May 18 20:27:48 CEST 2021 - Found AAAA record for mail.example.com: ipv6float - skipping A record check
Tue May 18 20:27:48 CEST 2021 - Cannot match your IP ipv6prim against hostname mail.example.com (DNS returned ipv6float)
Tue May 18 20:27:48 CEST 2021 - Cannot validate any hostnames, skipping Let’s Encrypt for 1 hour.
Another symptom of the same issue is that when I check DNS via the admin UI:
“Konfiguration” -> “E-Mail-Setup” -> Tab “Domains”, click “?DNS” on the right hand side of the primary domain (example.com) it shows (among other stuff):
Name Typ Korrekte Daten Aktueller Status
mail.example.com A ipv4float green checkmark
taolf4vpi.in-addr.arpa PTR mail.example.com green checkmark
mail.example.com AAA ipv6prim ipv6float
As you can see the A record is checked against ipv4float (correct data, that’s great! It correctly ignores ip4vprim).
You can also see that the it considers ipv6prim to be the correct data for the AAA record (but the current status with ipv6float is actually correct/what I want/need).
So my question is how I have to configure my instance so that it uses/expects the ipv6float (in “Korrekte Daten”) instead of ipv6prim when dealing with DNS/ACME - just as it does with IPv4 (where it uses ipv4float and not ipv4prim)?
Any help, pointer, input, suggestion would be very much appreciated.
Also do not hesitate for more information if I left out anything relevant!