Hi all,

I lost all my messages from “Sent” folder. I don’t know how (maybe some thunderbird cleanup task).

I have nightly backups of my mailcow instance. Is it possible to restore just the mails from the “Sent” folder?
I saw in my backup script logs that each message seems to be a separat file. Can I just copy the files from my backup into the docker volume? What permissions need the files? Do I have to restore any cache? Should I stop the containers while I am writing to the docker volume?

thank you all!

  • otaehryn likes this.
  • Hi, yes, you can simply copy them back to .Sent/cur

    The permissions should be kept as they are in the tar file (owned by 5000:5000 and, I think, mode 400 or 600).

Hi, yes, you can simply copy them back to .Sent/cur

The permissions should be kept as they are in the tar file (owned by 5000:5000 and, I think, mode 400 or 600).

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    diekuh Thank you!

    I restored my files using this docker command:
    sudo docker run -it --rm -v mailcowdockerized_vmail-vol-1:/vmail -v /opt/philip-sent:/philip-sent debian:buster-slim

    I realized that it is important to preserve the timestamp of the files, so I used cp -a /philip-sent/cur/* .../philip/.Sent/.
    Now everything works fine 🙂

    P.S.: The permissions are -rw------- (I think it’s 0600)

    • MAGIC

      • Forum Staff
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      Moolevel 48

    Should be 600
    600 -rw------- 1 vmail vmail 1982 Apr 20 21:10 1618945893.M173934P310.662c42fb0749,S=2476,W=2548:2,S

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