I’m new to the community. First of all thank you for this great tool! I’ve just began to use it and its fantastic.
Nevertheless I’ve got problem with some configuration and it would be nice if some could help me:
I’m using mailcow and some other tools (like seafile) behind a reverse-proxy (I use: https://hub.docker.com/r/jwilder/nginx-proxy). This means all tools are separate containers and share a common docker network (lets call it “nginx-network”), which connects them to the nginx-proxy and therefore establishes the connection to the Internet:
Internet <–> nginx-proxy (docker-container, nginx-network) <–> mailcow (docker-containter, nginx-network)
Internet <–> nginx-proxy (docker-container, nginx-network) <–> seafile (docker-container, nginx-network)
Using mailcow to send mails per smtp from one of the other containers/tools on the “nginx-network”.
If I try to access port 465 of mailcow behind the nginx-proxy from one of the containers on the nginx-network mailcow doesn’t allow me to connect (example: use mailcow smtp to send mails from seafile container). Connecting from the outside (internet) through the nginx-proxy on port 465 works perfectly. I assume I somehow need to tell mailcow to allow smtp requests from the internal “nginx-network”. But I have no idea how to do this.
It would be nice if anyone has an idea? Thanks!