How to Implement High Availability for Mailcow ?

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You can manually cluster redis and MariaDB, set the required configuration options and use some shared storage for dovecot and its emails and build your own HA. But then it’s not a supported setup.

As we are currently using Mailcow as our mail server in our production environment. We need to maintain the server function in running status without any downtime. Is there any solution?

[unknown] Just for confirmation the implementation of HA is temporarily not possible or not be able to implement in future too.

    Viki9495 We need to maintain the server function in running status without any downtime. Is there any solution?

    Running it as virtual machine in a host cluster would certainly help. So that the virtualization is clustered.
    For the updates usually I do a snapshot (again from virtualization layer) and run it. Its a downtime of e.g 2-3 minutes until everything is up again.
    E-Mail is a not synchronous service and not a messaging service, so I think a short downtime of some minutes every month is not worth the hassle. Also all clusters I know add a lot complexity and sometimes create downtimes because of erroneous failovers.

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