I get a lot of Replies on my emails, and I want to be able to access all of them at once, and the encryption and compression are a headache for me at the moment. Is there any way I can store the emails without encryption and compression? If yes, kindly elaborate your solution since I’m not very used to the mailcow SMTP service yet.

Thanks a lot for everyone willing to contribute to this. Thanks

  • EETNyx

      Moolevel 47

    Please elaborate, I do not understand why regular access (let’s say using IMAP) is not sufficient. Encryption and compression is implemented that way you do not know it’s there is regular situation,…

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      Sorry for not being clear.
      I want a solution where I can bulk import the email replies, since I have a lot of mailboxes and I do not want to go through all of them manually and read individual replies, I want to gather all replies, subjects, contents, senders etc in bulk if possible. I can further sort them on my own,

      Actually, I get a lot of email replies, which I need to scrap and get the content out of them. Could you help me with a way on how I can bulk import all replies? in decrypted format? Or I can set something which stops the encryption in the first place.

      • EETNyx

          Moolevel 47
        • Edited

        Sorry, not sure if your reply shed some light on your request,… Why you can’t use for this standard IMAP and SMTP protocol? From what I was able to catch from your description you will need, or you are doing some programing for this anyway, so just use IMAP/SMTP library, depending on your programing language of choose and you do not need to worry about how MailCow encrypt message on background.


          I have written some scripts that do this decryption and manual work for me. So, that is working for me now.

          And thanks for the suggestion, but it was not what i was looking for.

          Still Bundle of thanks for your time

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