• maybl8

      Moolevel 36

    Where do I find this and if it is in a whitelist why is it listed in the spam places?

    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 whitelist_forwardinghosts: Look up on whitelist, result 200 DUNNO
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/dnsblog[1202]: addr listed by domain bl.mailspike.net as
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/dnsblog[1198]: addr listed by domain hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com as
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/dnsblog[1198]: addr listed by domain hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com as
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/dnsblog[1202]: addr listed by domain zen.spamhaus.org as
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/dnsblog[1202]: addr listed by domain zen.spamhaus.org as
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:12 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/dnsblog[1202]: addr listed by domain zen.spamhaus.org as
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:15 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/postscreen[1186]: DNSBL rank 26 for []:3238
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:16 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/tlsproxy[1533]: CONNECT from []:3238
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:17 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/tlsproxy[1533]: Anonymous TLS connection established from []:3238: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:19 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/postscreen[1186]: HANGUP after 3.9 from []:3238 in tests after SMTP handshake
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:19 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/postscreen[1186]: DISCONNECT []:3238
    postfix-mailcow-1  | Feb  9 13:51:19 04d9fb66ab32 postfix/tlsproxy[1533]: DISCONNECT []:3238
    • DocFraggle and esackbauer replied to this.
    • OK in studying this more. It appears that if postfix can’t relate the ip address to a domain it looks in the forwarding hosts whitelist for the ip. If it doesn’t find it that is when it displays that message DUNNO..
      Sorry this is something I didn’t understand on postfix operation. There is always something new to learn.

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      • maybl8

          Moolevel 36

        that is not my IP Address

        • DocFraggle

          • Community Hero
          Moolevel 243

        maybl8 Where do I find this and if it is in a whitelist why is it listed in the spam places?

        Please rephrase your question, I don’t get what you want to know

        • esackbauer

          • Community Hero
          Moolevel 346

        maybl8 Where do I find this and if it is in a whitelist why is it listed in the spam places?

        Why do you think it is whitelisted? “DUNNO” means “Don’t know”, so the whitelist does not know this IP.

        • maybl8

            Moolevel 36

          OK so I guess what I am asking is. This statement in postfix log:
          “whitelist_forwardinghosts: Look up on whitelist,”

          What is this saying? Other ip’s listed in the log don’t say this
          Why is it trying to look this ip up on a whitelist and where is this whitelist?
          I’ve looked and I don’t have it in any whitelist. I only have email adresses in a whitelist.

            • DocFraggle

              • Community Hero
              Moolevel 243

            maybl8 What is this saying? Other ip’s listed in the log don’t say this

            It’s checking the remote IP against your whitelist. I get this message for every remote IP which is trying to send an email

            • maybl8

                Moolevel 36

              Sorry to be ignorant here.
              I don’t look at logs too often so after looking at the logs some more I see some other messages similar to this one.

              One more question where is this whitelist that it is looking at? Is it creating one dynamically? Like I said I only have whitelisted email addresses.

              Whitelisted email addresses are programmed to never classify as spam. Wildcards may be used. A filter is only applied to direct aliases (aliases with a single target mailbox) excluding catch-all aliases and a mailbox itself.
              ID	Rule	Scope
              	26	dan.cihon@sbcglobal.net	dccathome.com
              	28	dcihon@gmail.com	dccathome.com
              	29	dccathome.com@gmail.com	dccathome.com
              	30	*@tapatalk.com	dccathome.com
              	31	*@visualping.io	dccathome.com
              	32	*@*amazonses.com	dccathome.com
              	33	*@familyecho.com	dccathome.com
              	34	*@walmart.com	dccathome.com
              	37	annoliver61@icloud.com	dccathome.com
              	38	*@pcloud.com	dccathome.com
              • DocFraggle

                • Community Hero
                Moolevel 243

              It’s in the Mailcow UI

              System -> Configuration -> Options -> Forwarding Hosts

              • maybl8

                  Moolevel 36

                There is nothing there:

                Forwarding Hosts
                Incoming messages are unconditionally accepted from any hosts listed here. These hosts are then not checked against DNSBLs or subjected to greylisting. Spam received from them is never rejected, but optionally it can be filed into the Junk folder. The most common use for this is to specify mail servers on which you have set up a rule that forwards incoming emails to your mailcow server.
                Host	Source	Spam filter	Action
                No data available in table
                Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
                You can either specify IPv4/IPv6 addresses, networks in CIDR notation, host names (which will be resolved to IP addresses), or domain names (which will be resolved to IP addresses by querying SPF records or, in their absence, MX records).
                  • DocFraggle

                    • Community Hero
                    Moolevel 243

                  maybl8 There is nothing there

                  Yes, that’s the reason for

                  Look up on whitelist, result 200 DUNNO

                  DUNNO because the IP isn’t found in the whitelist

                  • maybl8

                      Moolevel 36
                    • Best Answerset by maybl8

                    OK in studying this more. It appears that if postfix can’t relate the ip address to a domain it looks in the forwarding hosts whitelist for the ip. If it doesn’t find it that is when it displays that message DUNNO..
                    Sorry this is something I didn’t understand on postfix operation. There is always something new to learn.

                      • DocFraggle

                        • Community Hero
                        Moolevel 243

                      maybl8 If it doesn’t find it that is when it displays that message DUNNO

                      Exaclty. No worries, glad to help!

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