2025-01-24 09:55:58: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:00: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 2 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:02: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 3 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:02: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution not possible after 3 attempts for fuzzy.mailcow.email… Gave up!
2025-01-24 09:56:04: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for github.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:06: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 2 for github.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:07: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 3 for github.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:07: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution not possible after 3 attempts for github.com… Gave up!
2025-01-24 09:56:09: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for hub.docker.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:11: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 2 for hub.docker.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:13: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 3 for hub.docker.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:13: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution not possible after 3 attempts for hub.docker.com… Gave up!
2025-01-24 09:56:13: Healthcheck: Too many DNS failures (1 failures allowed, you got 3 failures), marking Healthcheck as unhealthy…
2025-01-24 09:56:51: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:53: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 2 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:55: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 3 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:55: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution not possible after 3 attempts for fuzzy.mailcow.email… Gave up!
2025-01-24 09:56:57: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for github.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:56:59: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 2 for github.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:57:01: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 3 for github.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:57:01: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution not possible after 3 attempts for github.com… Gave up!
2025-01-24 09:57:03: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for hub.docker.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:57:05: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 2 for hub.docker.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:57:08: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 3 for hub.docker.com! Trying again…
2025-01-24 09:57:08: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution not possible after 3 attempts for hub.docker.com… Gave up!
2025-01-24 09:57:08: Healthcheck: Too many DNS failures (1 failures allowed, you got 3 failures), marking Healthcheck as unhealthy…
2025-01-24 09:57:46: Healthcheck: DNS Resolution Failed on attempt 1 for fuzzy.mailcow.email! Trying again…

help me please

i’m using hetzner hosting, Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS

i’m using hetzner hosting, Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS

  • EETNyx

      Moolevel 47

    Please try resolving DNS from your host and container
    dig fuzzy.mailcow.email +trace
    docker exec mailcowdockerized-unbound-mailcow-1 dig fuzzy.mailcow.email +trace

    Have something to say?

    Join the community by quickly registering to participate in this discussion. We'd like to see you joining our great moo-community!

    ; <<>> DiG 9.18.27 <<>> fuzzy.mailcow.email +trace
    ;; global options: +cmd

    . 4986 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
    . 4986 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
    ;; Received 239 bytes from in 0 ms

    ;; communications error to 2001:500:a8::e#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:a8::e#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:a8::e#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2801:1b8:10::b#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:dc3::35#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:12::d0d#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:7fe::53#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:1::53#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:9f::42#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:503:c27::2:30#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:2::c#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:2d::d#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:503:ba3e::2:30#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:500:2f::f#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to 2001:7fd::1#53: timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; no servers could be reached

    • EETNyx

        Moolevel 47

      Hmm no communication on port 53 over both 4 and 6 IPv,… Any firewall involved? Including Hetnzer firewall service?

      only hetzner firewall

      • EETNyx

          Moolevel 47

        Ok, try to disable it for a moment and try that dig again if it will resolve IP

        hetzner has static firewall, i can’t just disable it.

        • EETNyx

            Moolevel 47

          Well than add tcp and udp outbound rule for port 53 to allow outcomming dns traffic

          still not working for me, 53 port opened for outcoming and incoming.

          • Braedach

              Moolevel 0
            • Edited

            Had the same problem.

            My solution at the moment was to disable ipv6 in unbound as I have an ipv6 network but run mailcow on a Proxmox server in a debian 12 LXC container.

            Go to the following file mailcow-dockerized/data/conf/unbound/unbound.conf
            Where you see do-ip6: no
            Restart the entire stack - you should now only get a slight problem with fuzzy.mailcow.email
            But not enough to bring down the container.
            After the docker compose down and docker compose up -d all the containers should come up

            Im still working on the ipv6 issue, my docker daemon.json file looks like this but I am learning

            "log-driver": "journald",
            "dns": ["", "2001:8003:9939:4000::1", "fe80::f4e2:c6ff:feee:63da"],
            "ip6tables": true,
            "experimental" : true,
            "userland-proxy": true,
            "selinux-enabled": true,
            "data-root": "/var/lib/docker"

            It should work.

            My issue at the moment is SSL certificates as my global DNS entries all point to internal Ip addresses for ipv4/ipv6 and guess what I can’t get the ipv6 to run properly 🙂

              Braedach its not working for me.. still need help with it.

              Okay what error is it throwing.

              Okay, I figured out what the problem was, just some difficulties with the Hetzner setup

              No one is typing