esackbauer the logs not show any relevant information, it is really strange because i can send mail outside .cu domain, ex .com etc etc… the message error it is on the fly, i mean instantaneously without “talk” to the remote system mail without any connect, helo and other phases, for example when i send a mail message to another system managed by me under .cu domain and i don’t see any try to mail delivery, i agree it is a loop query, but why the error is sending .cu domain at least
12/17/2024, 09:03:51 PM info B7BB8E1938: removed
12/17/2024, 09:03:51 PM info B7BB8E1938: to=<local-sender@local.comain>, relay=dovecot[]:24, delay=0.53, delays=0.15/0.03/0.01/0.34, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 <local-sender@local.comain> 6INrN4YtYmeOSQAAcDBgAQ Saved)
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info 75F94E0FBE: removed
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info B7BB8E1938: from=<>, size=5766, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info 75F94E0FBE: sender non-delivery notification: B7BB8E1938
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info B7BB8E1938: message-id=<20241218020350.B7BB8E1938@mail.fqdn.local>
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info disconnect from unknown[] ehlo=1 quit=1 commands=2
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info 75F94E0FBE: to=<destination@remote.domain>,[remote-mail-ip]:25, delay=2.8, delays=2/0.09/0.63/0, dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for remote.domain loops back to myself)
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM warning warning: host[remote-mail-ip]:25 replied to HELO/EHLO with my own hostname mail.fqdn.local
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM warning warning: host[remote-mail-ip]:25 greeted me with my own hostname mail.fqdn.local
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info connect from unknown[]
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info PASS OLD []:22326
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info Look up on whitelist, result 200 DUNNO
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM info CONNECT from []:22326 to []:25
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM warning warning: reason: dnssec_probe 'ns:.' received a response that is not DNSSEC validated
12/17/2024, 09:03:50 PM warning warning: DNSSEC validation may be unavailable
12/17/2024, 09:03:49 PM info disconnect from mail-sogo-mailcow-1.mail_mailcow-network[] ehlo=1 auth=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=6
12/17/2024, 09:03:49 PM info 75F94E0FBE: from=<local-sender@local.comain>, size=2837, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
12/17/2024, 09:03:48 PM info 75F94E0FBE: message-id=<13b-67622d80-3-4e8aa100@183119115>
12/17/2024, 09:03:48 PM info 75F94E0FBE: client=mail-sogo-mailcow-1.mail_mailcow-network[], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=local-sender@local.comain
12/17/2024, 09:03:47 PM info connect from mail-sogo-mailcow-1.mail_mailcow-network[]
the is the Firewall external making port fordwarding to internal mail server mailcow. after the connection i get error i reading on another mailcow to make a comparison of config, i see the logs are different, for example when i send mail from sogo webmail it do no appear as the ip firewall external… i’m skipping something but i cant see.
why postfix/postscreen connection come from the external firewall lan ip here are running dns resolve, i override the dns ip on docker-compose.override.yml
` dovecot-mailcow:
’postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:21 f91971e3e5fb postfix/smtps/smtpd[520]: 33A45E100F: client=unknown[my-local-ip-pc], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=fromme@mydomain
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:21 f91971e3e5fb postfix/cleanup[521]: 33A45E100F:
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:21 f91971e3e5fb postfix/qmgr[353]: 33A45E100F: from=<fromme@mydomain>, size=1305, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:21 f91971e3e5fb postfix/postscreen[509]: CONNECT from []:7055 to []:25
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:22 f91971e3e5fb whitelist_forwardinghosts: Look up on whitelist, result 200 DUNNO
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:22 f91971e3e5fb postfix/postscreen[509]: PASS OLD []:7055
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:22 f91971e3e5fb postfix/smtpd[515]: connect from unknown[]
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:22 f91971e3e5fb postfix/smtp[522]: warning: host remote-fqdn.remotedomain[remote-ip]:25 greeted me with my own hostname
postfix-mailcow-1 | Dec 17 22:35:22 f91971e3e5fb postfix/smtp[522]: warning: host remote-fqdn.remotedomain[remote-ip]:25 replied to HELO/EHLO with my own hostname’