nano data/web/rc/config/
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chown root:www-data /web/rc/config/
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chmod 640 /web/rc/config/

Then I click on next and then I leave the installer as said, but does that init the db?
nano data/conf/nginx/site.roundcube.custom
I skipped the disable installer part (this time, so if I did the db init wrong I can still use the installer)
cp -n data/web/rc/composer.json-dist data/web/rc/composer.json
docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer update --no-dev -o
docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer audit
nano data/conf/dovecot/extra.conf
docker compose restart dovecot-mailcow
$config[‘db_dsnw’] = ‘mysql://roundcube:${DBROUNDCUBE}@mysql/roundcubemail’;
$config[‘imap_host’] = ‘dovecot:143’;
$config[‘smtp_host’] = ‘postfix:588’;
$config[‘smtp_user’] = ‘%u’;
$config[‘smtp_pass’] = ‘%p’;
$config[‘support_url’] = '';
$config[‘product_name’] = ‘Roundcube Webmail’;
$config[‘cipher_method’] = ‘chacha20-poly1305’;
$config[‘des_key’] = ‘$(LC_ALL=C </dev/urandom tr -dc “A-Za-z0-9 !#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~” 2> /dev/null | head -c 32)’;
$config[‘plugins’] = [
$config[‘mime_types’] = ‘/web/rc/config/mime.types’;
$config[‘enable_installer’] = true;
$config[‘managesieve_host’] = ‘dovecot:4190’;
// Enables separate management interface for vacation responses (out-of-office)
// 0 - no separate section (default); 1 - add Vacation section; 2 - add Vacation section, but hide Filters section
$config[‘managesieve_vacation’] = 1;
location /rc/ {
alias /web/rc/public_html/;
remote ${IPV4_NETWORK}.0/24 {
disable_plaintext_auth = no
remote ${IPV6_NETWORK} {
disable_plaintext_auth = no
The des_key cmd doesn’t work when executing it manually so I don’t know if that is outdated.
And I think the des_key should have been replaced by the actual key but I saw none
Forgot to paste the db init cmd here but I executed it aswell
And suprise suprise, I didn’t work : (