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  • Backing up just the backup script output vs full dir and docker volumes

I am making backups with the backup_and_restore.sh script, but at the bottom of the docs.mailcow.email Icon documentation

it mentions doing a cronjob which also rsyncs the entire mailcow installation as well as all of the docker volumes.

Is this the recommended approach? What would I need to recreate if I’m only using the backup script? Conversely, if I rsync the entire installation, then why would I also need to use the backup script?

The rsync option is only to be used if you have a snapshot based backup filer. Those two backup concepts (just the backup script or rsync) should not be used together, obviously.

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    In the link to the documentation I provided, “Backup strategy with rsync and mailcow backup script”, they are using both options together, and provide sample cronjobs for doing so. I’m just not clear on why I would need the backup script if I’m syncing the whole install, or vice-version, if I’m doing a backup all with the script, what is missing that I would need to recreate?

      It’s because you are not rsyncing the whole install… Escpecially not if you use the Backup Script cause that would be stupid.

      Im running this

      0 4 * * * /bin/bash /home/XXXX/backup.sh
      10 4 * * * rsync -a -4  /opt/backup/ XXXXXXX@backupstorage:/home/XXXXXXXX/mail --ignore-existing

      which basically rsyncs the backup files that the backupscript creates up to my storage. That way i can use the full functionality of the Backup Script while just rsyncing:


      Those files.


        NoirPi Escpecially not if you use the Backup Script cause that would be stupid.

        I’m asking the question because that’s how it’s shown in the official documentation, stupid or not.

        With the backup script, it looks like it is missing things like the compose overrides, custom sogo configuration, custom logos and themes, and so forth.

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