For a few days I have been receiving spam from “empty-env-from@localhost”. See the screenshot.

I would like to reject or refuse these emails rather than placing them in junk mail. Is this possible? and if so, how do I proceed.
Thank you

  • Action was rejected, that usually mean those messages was not delivered to Junk folder. So those e-mails do what you wrote you want be done,… If you mean, you do not want to be delivered into Quarantine and you do not want to get this notification about it, log as user into Mailcow UI (not Sogo) go to Spam filter and use Blacklist according to this “Blacklisted email addresses to always classify as spam and reject. Rejected mail will not be copied to quarantine.” it should do what you wanted

Action was rejected, that usually mean those messages was not delivered to Junk folder. So those e-mails do what you wrote you want be done,… If you mean, you do not want to be delivered into Quarantine and you do not want to get this notification about it, log as user into Mailcow UI (not Sogo) go to Spam filter and use Blacklist according to this “Blacklisted email addresses to always classify as spam and reject. Rejected mail will not be copied to quarantine.” it should do what you wanted

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