I just set up Mailcow and am trying to replicate a setup I have running with a naked postfix and dovecot:
I have 3 mail-addresses, one on my own domain (me@mail.example.com) and two with different providers (otherme@mail.provider1.com, thirdme@mail.provider2.com).
Mails to otherme@mail.provider1.com and thirdme@provider2.com get forwarded to me@mail.example.com.
In Thunderbird, I have one mailbox (me@mail.example.com) and two additional identities, one for each mail-address (otherme_provider1@mail.example.com, thirdme_provider2@mail.example.com).
Through the magic of postfix (generic_map, sender_canonical and sender_relaymap) Mails sent from one of the additional identities will be automatically relayed through the original smtp-servers.
I am sure that mailcow can be configured to do that, I just have not found the right combination of settings.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Thank you!