after upgrading to 2024-06 I noticed that the Admin Webgui is slow, missing the container information and ACME hangs on “Waiting for Nginx…”
I have narrowed down the issue to nginx not delivering content on port 8081, another installation without issues shows html opening and closing tags when using curl http://nginx:8081, while the affected system does not show anything and I have to close curl using Ctrl+C.
There seems to be some issue with dynmaps, nginx is listening on 8081 but using curl to test the urls from mailcow source code doesn’t get answers from nginx.
the dynmaps.conf mentions phpfpm:9001, but I am not sure what to test there and I don’t see any errors in the php-fpm container logs.
Any help on where to continue troubleshooting is highly appreciated.
Thanks and have a great day.