esackbauer Sure, just follow the docs:
esackbauer Roundcube uses authentication from dovecot. It has no separate auth database. Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense to have a password change option for mailcow in Roundcube, like it is mentioned in the docs.
esackbauer What do you mean then with “SSO”? That you are redirected from mailcows UI directly to Roundcube your mailbox?
maddler Single Sign On, you access to mailcow portal and can go to RC directly without having to login again in RoundCube.
ETNyx This cover topic of using “external login service” in case you will be able to configure roundcube as well it may work
esackbauer Ok, sorry i mixed it up. Seems to be difficult or impossible according to this thread:
maddler Let me have a look. esackbauer uhm, good find. That was couple years ago, maybe something got fixed/improved in the meantime. I’ll give it a go later today. Thanks!