I was wondering if the server name should be the same as the Mailcow hostname,
example: the hostname of my server is the following:
hosts:	localhost	Dell-9010

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

should it be mail.domain.tld
or it doesn’t matter

  • I’m looking to this machine like another router in a way packet, so I believe it does not matter. You are talking about host OS for Mailcow right?

    But usually i set up some unique fdqn hostname for each of my systems and I keep correct DNS record. It’s easier for me to remember domain name instead of IP, this also cover machine not facing internet, DNS can be point to LAN addresses, it is like magic :-D

I’m looking to this machine like another router in a way packet, so I believe it does not matter. You are talking about host OS for Mailcow right?

But usually i set up some unique fdqn hostname for each of my systems and I keep correct DNS record. It’s easier for me to remember domain name instead of IP, this also cover machine not facing internet, DNS can be point to LAN addresses, it is like magic :-D

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    ETNyx You are talking about host OS for Mailcow right?
    Yes, I was talking about the OS,
    Thank you for the info

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