ETNyx Thanks for your answer.
I see, only mails from Office365/ do not arrive. I tested only with a O365-Account from my job.
Mail from a MariaDB-list entered this moment, although the Debian Users mailing list did not send a mail since this morning, which is strange. And a test with a Gmail account also succeeded.
When a mail from O365 arrives postfix log tells the following:
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/postscreen[522]: CONNECT from []:62834 to []:25
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/postscreen[522]: WHITELISTED []:62834
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: connect from[]
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: discarding EHLO keywords: CHUNKING
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: TLS SNI from[] not matched, using default chain
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: Anonymous TLS connection established from[]: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: disconnect from[] ehlo=1 starttls=1 quit=1 commands=3
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/postscreen[522]: CONNECT from [2a01:111:f400:7e1a::723]:30113 to [fd4d:6169:6c63:6f77::11]:25
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/postscreen[522]: WHITELISTED [2a01:111:f400:7e1a::723]:30113
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: connect from[2a01:111:f400:7e1a::723]
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:20 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: discarding EHLO keywords: CHUNKING
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:21 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: Anonymous TLS connection established from[2a01:111:f400:7e1a::723]: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
postfix-mailcow-1 | May 22 15:47:21 cebdaaff7b0c postfix/smtpd[525]: disconnect from[2a01:111:f400:7e1a::723] ehlo=1 starttls=1 quit=1 commands=3