I recently moved my dockerize mailcow setup from AWS (EC2) to my own internal network. So now all traffic come thru my pfsense firewall with the haproxy module configured in the middle. I managed to configure everything to work properly with this setup but I now I realize that looking at rspamd logs that my haproxy/firewall ip is not properly seen has all message get the symbols HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN (8.5) and IP_REPUTATION_SPAM (5.64) [asn: 20205(0.40), country: US(0.01), ip: 172.xxx.xxx.xxx (1.00)] . So all “new” senders get a -14.14 to start with so many message now a getting either graylist or outright rejected. I look around but I can’t see where to configure this in rpamd. Is it doable thru the UI or it needs to be configured in conf files ?

Hmm HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN can be connected to absence/malfunction of PTR, this issue can easily evolve in bad IP_REPUTATION_SPAM, double check your PTR.

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    ETNyx PTR is in place an point back at my public facing IP of my gateway (firewall). The only IP that mailcow is seeing is the internal proxy IP, not the public one.

    The “fix” mention in this post doesn’t work since 2024-04 because now the file use a .map file to list ip that you want to “whiltelist”. And looking at the change in the 2024-04 update (since this update, I got a lot more email in my junk folder and more reject showup in the rspamd log), I saw this line : [Rspamd] Set local_addrs lo mailcow networks by @dragoangel in 5812. So adding those “local_addrs” seems to add a side effect on setup like mine (behind a proxy where everything is coming from the same ip). I’m a bit concern to add my proxy ip to the whitelist since it add a lot of weight on the message and I think I will, yes got my legitimate message BUT also, a lot more spams.

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