Hi. I would like to ask a question about my mailcow server. It always says connection timed out. I tried opening all the possible ports for SMTP, IMAP, and HTTP\S. And did check already my smtp connect using mxtoolbox. All did passed Im so confused whats causing this trouble.
Sending email always says connection timeout.
I had the same problem, could send to hotmail but got timeout when sending to my other server,
restarted sending server and it worked.
It has always worked until then.
Regards // Mike
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lokiixczz tried opening all the possible ports for SMTP, IMAP, and HTTP\S
I guess you only opened incoming ports? Did you check if outgoing traffic is allowed? Your server seems to not being allowed to connect to outbound addresses
@DocFraggle @storpotaten I just found out the problem. It seems that the server provider block all of smtp ports. But thanks for your insights. I’m just waiting for them to open them up for my ip.