
I use self-hosted mailcow server with my Internet Access Provider (iap) adress mail like “name@iap.fr” with sender-dependent transport “smtp.iap.fr:587”.

The test results of the SMTP transmission is ok, i see :
SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 2.0.0 k380rSxxxxxxx mail accepted for delivery.

…Unfortunately sometimes emails arrives in the receiver’s spam folder.

Please could you help in configuring correctly my settings ?
I think the issue concerns address rewritting but I’m not sure !
Is there a complete tuto regarding this subject ?

Thanks for your help,

If I understand correctly you are running your mailcow at home with your local ISP? That’s never a good idea as there are a lot of SMTP blacklists containing the ISP network ranges. You have to use a relay service to send your mails, otherwise most of your sent emails will be flagged as SPAM…

In case I didn’t understand: is smtp.iap.fr:587 your relay service?

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    I have a server running at home also.
    I use sendgrid for sending my emails.

    My server is not running at home but at the moment on a Contabo Virtual Private Server.
    Yes, i use my ISP/IAP smtp services for outgoing emails with a sender-dependant transport setting adress : smtp.iap.fr:587
    So i think my issue isn’t coming from IP blacklisting
    I suspect it comes from address rewriting in the message header….

    Thanks for this alternative
    If i’s possible to solve this spam issue, I would prefer to use my provider’s SMTP for outgoing emails

    Thanks for this alternative
    If i’s possible to solve this spam issue, I would prefer to use my provider’s SMTP for outgoing emails

    Did you ever get the mail header of one of your recipients where your mail was flagged as SPAM? Maybe you can find a hint there if you check the X-SPAM* headers

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