pozzo-balbi Hi, is there a way to reduce loglevel, eg log only warning or higher? I just saw that /var/log/messages is 1.6GB big after half months of use.
esackbauer Have you checked what is logged? You should check what it is complaining about. My /var/log/messages is only 1 MB in total after 1 year. But then I found out it stopped logging after 3-4 months. Can’t remember why.
pozzo-balbi Everything that “docker-compose logs” would print out lands in /var/log/messages. Hence the size and my wish to change the log level.
DocFraggle That’s strange, my /var/log/messages (running Rocky 8) contains only the system logs and some of the system services. Did you setup. Did you override the logging to use syslog? (https://docs.mailcow.email/post_installation/firststeps-logging/?h=syslog#via-docker-composeoverrideyml) And if so, did you configure services like logrotate to rotate the logs every day and compress the old logs?
henningsieh Sorry for noob question, but where do I find a “/var/log/messages”? In my “/opt/mailcow-dockerized” location there is nothing like this and also in “/var/log” there are no “messages”.
DocFraggle henningsieh Which OS are you using? It depends on the OS 🙂 RedHat derivates use /var/log/messages, Debian derivates use /var/log/syslog i.e.
henningsieh DocFraggle I run my Mailcow dockerized on a VPS at Contabo Hosting with an underlying Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. “/opt/mailcow-dockerized” looks like this:
henningsieh Thank you, I found it with a size of 8 MB. :-) root@vmd104158:/# ls -lh /var/log/syslog -rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 8.1M Feb 16 09:12 /var/log/syslog root@vmd104158:/#
pozzo-balbi Ok, so it looks like podman saves all generated logs to /var/log/messages while normal docker discards that information. Sure I can redirect the logs and rotate and delete but why is mailcow so chatty to begin with? The logs you get from “docker-compose logs” are filled with too much useless information. Changing loglevel would be helpful to focus on the real important information.