Hello, is there a way to specify a match to ANY header in the SoGo email fiters?

I know it’s possible to specify one header, but what is the syntax to match for any header? It is not possible to leave the field empty. I’ve tried * and “any” in SoGo - doesn’t work.. I’ve searched here and on engines but found nothing.

  • You always have to specify a header name. as the sieve rule which is created out of your choices needs a header name. There is no wildcard for that

So that means ALL incoming mails are moved to trash?
Just select the last option at “for Incoming messages that”

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    esackbauer Hi, no sorry, I wish to search for something in any header. E.g. “@domain” - do you know how to do this?

    You always have to specify a header name. as the sieve rule which is created out of your choices needs a header name. There is no wildcard for that

    The question would be if you search for “content” if that applies only to the body of the mail, or if the headers are included.
    Never tried this though.

    No, it won’t be possible at all, because it is the way sieve works.
    SoGo would have to implement a function to add multiple sieve rules at once (with all headers known to them), I guess they won’t do it because no one really needs that function…

    Maybe you could tell us what it is exactly you are trying to do?

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