
For an organization I’ve created an info@company.com mailbox.
Now the goal is, that selected people of the same organization are able to access the info@company.com mailbox and send mails from this mailbox.
Ideally not with the credentials of the info@company.com mailbox, but with the credentials of their own mailbox.

Is that possible?
How would I achieve that?


Create that mailbox info@company.com, with secure and complex credentials (which are not shared with other users).
Log with that credentials into SOGo, and give selected people shared access.

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5 days later

Thanks for your answer and sorry for the late reply.
During the last days I had no time to try your suggestion.

Finally I followed your advice.
At the end I did the following

–> Created the user info@company.com
–> Logged in with info@company.com @SOGo web interface
–> Set-up a delegation for user1@comany.com
–> Shared the folder “Inbox” with the user user1@company.com
–> In the admin settings of the user1@comany.com Mailbox I had to select the info@company address at the “Allow to send as” setting. Otherwise user1@ couldn’t send mails with the from address info@

This seem to be quite a lot of things to set, so that a user1@ can see the mailbox of user info@ and to be able to send mails in the name of info@.
And still, I cannot share the whole mailbox along with all its folders with another user. If I share the folder “Inbox”, the other user can still not see the “Sent” folder and all the other folders of that mailbox.

Did I follow your suggestion correctly?
Isn’t there a way to let a user1@ login with the username info@, but the password of user1@?

I think that would be the cleanest way to share the info@ mailbox without giving away the password of info@.
Because if a user leaves the company, you don’t need to change the password of info@ and tell all the remaining users the new password.

Maybe there is a way to tell Dovecot, that the info@comany.com mailbox may accept all passwords of @company.com users.


    mine Did I follow your suggestion correctly?


    mine Isn’t there a way to let a user1@ login with the username info@, but the password of user1@?

    No, that is not possible. It would make auditing impossible.

    You can share other folders, too
    You can also delegate (3 dots menu next to mail address and storage usage), which gives delegated users full control about the whole mailbox

    • mine replied to this.

      esackbauer You can share other folders, too

      OK, that would be the way to go.
      But what seem to remain unsolved is the fact, that mails sent in the name of the delegated mailbox would still be stored in the Sent folder of the user that sent the mail, instead of the Sent folder of the delegated mailbox.

      I’ve also found another user that seem to have the same need.
      mailcow community Icon Delegation Gesendete Elemente

      I never tried BCC Maps, but maybe a sender dependent map could at least send the sent mail to the delegated mailbox, and a sieve rule could then put them to a certain folder.

      That’s a good hint.


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