Also SMTP Connect is not connected, do you know any solution?

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esackbauer Yeah but, dunno how solution please explain thanks you, sorry my little english and complicated. my spanish main.

"this error occurs If your “mailcow_hostname” in the mailcow.conf appears to not be an FQDN."

    esackbauer oh but have is and already there name “

    possible is nano /opt/mailcow-dockerized/mailcow.conf right? to maybe?


      That is correct, so no need to change it.
      But something is wrong with your installation. Please go through the docs

      again, and check everything regarding prerequisistes and installation. In 99.99% you missed on something.
      I am assuming you are running on a supported Linux version and docker/docker compose version?

      And check all the logs, especially those of postfix. Does it bind to port 25?


        hmm possible there “ping bad addresss postfix”?

        Well, at first you should look at postfix logs, not at acme (Lets encrypt) logs…
        And please check ALL answers in my first link to the Github issue.

          esackbauer Oh lets encrpyt, but there is “cloudflare SSL”

          you have link github? please explain and solution.

          esackbauer Ok probably diffcutly no solution, think only Lets encrpyt right?

          and Cloudflare proxy settings i see maybe only pay Enterprise ?

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