How do I send emails to all domain addresses - @domain?

It is also desirable to be able to restrict the list of addresses or users who have the right to write to these mailing groups - for example, from certain email addresses or ip addresses.

Couldn’t find how to do it in mailcow. I have seen the mechanism of mailing lists to all server users through the admin interface - but this is not quite the same, although if you can make users who can do general mailings, limiting their rights to everything else, then this will be the solution.

It is very necessary that this be the case and the lists are formed automatically, adding and deleting addresses with your hands when there are hundreds of them seems to me a bad idea.

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Does no one have any mailing tasks inside the mail domain?

I guess as the focus of mailcow is groupware and not mailing lists, you should look for an external solution for mailing lists.


    We are talking about the possibility of making an internal newsletter to domain users. So that there is an alias all@domain, which will deliver emails to all domain users and which will automatically contain all users - so as not to rule with the hands of alias.

    This functionality is available in all mail servers. As well as the ability to restrict the ability to write to this address only to authorized users of the mail domain.

    There is no question of external mailing.


    With the help of SIEVE Mailinglist, can I make restrictions on the list of senders?

    And how to make the newsletter itself or alias all@domain?

    maybe you can semi-automatically create an alias for all domain users?

    or are there other solutions for emails to all domain users?

    No one is typing