hi guys i was wondering if someone else has had issue before, currently trying to use the sync option on mailcow which uses imapsync but im seeing a lots of timeout i was reading this guide wiki.zimbra.com Icon Guide to imapsync - Zimbra :: Tech Center

as im trying to migrate zimbra to mailcow, im not sure if its a timeout issue migrating large inboxes or should i raise the timeout? currently its using the default 600
not sure its a bug but it says it migrated all the inbox but when i check the zimbra mailbox did not migrate a few hundred emails, from june 15 and before im thinking it might be the timeout issue

Transfer started on                     : Wednesday  9 August 2023-08-09 22:32:23 -0500 -05
Transfer ended on                       : Wednesday  9 August 2023-08-09 22:42:57 -0500 -05
Transfer time                           : 634.2 sec
Folders synced                          : 20/20 synced
Messages transferred                    : 5 
Messages skipped                        : 15706
Messages found duplicate on host1       : 14
Messages found duplicate on host2       : 3
Messages found crossduplicate on host2  : 0
Messages void (noheader) on host1       : 0  
Messages void (noheader) on host2       : 0
Messages found in host1 not in host2    : 0 messages

on zimbra shows 30 of june

and on SOGO

only shows till the 14 of june

Aaaand your sync config looks like what?
There must be a reason why 15706 mails were skipped. Maybe you have set a certain age?
Have you read your own link on Zimbra, section “Migrating large Mailboxes and avoid timeouts”?

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Thanks for the reply, attaching photo
Yes i did read the link but wanted to see if thats normal?

it did mention something about

--nofoldersizes --skipsize --fast

would i add this in the section of Custom parameters?

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