Hi all,

Not sure what the best place is to ask this question, so posting here and on Telegram.

i’m evaluating the mooh, and am wondering about maybe and issue with ios 16.x . I’m currently running on kopano , and was a happy user of the community version for years (my company used to deploy the commercial versions).
As i recently noticed an issue with the search “on server” using ios 16 with kopano z-push solution i started poking and read that z-push and kopano CE are shutting down. So, here comes the mooh.

Installing a test setup with a spare domain all seems to be great (just testing) , but search still has issues. I can only find e-mails in the timespan of my sync setting with. Mails stored on the server can’t be found.
I tested with ios mail app. I dug up an older ipad with an older ios (version 12), and there i can find older e-mails stored on the server ( for both Kopano and mailcow).

Testing further, i installed a few other e-mail apps (when i can mooh and use a 3rd party app, paid or not, works for me and my family). Using ios outlook , same result on ios 16. Using bluemail on ios 16, same result.
This made me think, and i installed those on ios 12 .. It works.

So.. TL;DR
Activesync / EAS remote search broke on ios 16, and 3rd party apps seem to maybe use the internal sync of ios and don’t come with their own implementation ?

Anyone a suggestion what a solution can me ? Best would be EAS fix , but a 3rd party app can maybe also be a solution.

thank you in advance.
kind regards,

Seems you already found a bug report for this on SOGo 😉
bugs.sogo.nu Icon 0005620: EAS server search fails - SOGo | BTS

Indirectly related there are other known issues with iOS 16 and ActiveSync to Mailcow/SOGo. See this bug report, which looks like it was merged into the nightly build about a week ago:
bugs.sogo.nu Icon 0005626: Extreme battery drain from "Mail (Background)" after update to IOS16 - SOGo | BTS

Mailcow documentation doesn’t list ActiveSync / Outlook support:
docs.mailcow.email Icon Microsoft Outlook - mailcow: dockerized documentation

But I believe users were working fine under iOS 15. So given time, the iOS 16 bugs should get sorted out.

Meanwhile, the officially supported methods for iOS and macOS are documented here:
docs.mailcow.email Icon Apple macOS / iOS - mailcow: dockerized documentation

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yes after searching around i found the bugreport and thought it would be good to confirm. Thank you.
So a new version can be expected soonish to be available for mailcow ? Just curios on release cycles to get some feeling with it.

The supported methods provided with the automatic profiles work surprisingly well. Now just to figure out if on iphone you can browse/subscribe sub(sub)folders for an imap account.

thanx again.

    mayk we‘ll implement it when SOGo releases the next official version. 5.7.2 or 5.8.0 if I’m correctly informed.

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